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Re: [microsound] la france
I should have also commended the heroism and clarity of the refusniks and those
in Israel who see the uselessness of militarism. I agree: American and similar
institutions have seduced Israel (with dollars) - it became clear in the 80s.
I just read Israel has OK'd the influx of 20,000 Ethiopian Jews. Where will
they go?
I hope to see more joint Palestinian/Jewish peace action. Actually, maybe with
a lot of joints :)
Israel IM(h)O has one option, but it is a huge risk. Make peace and help
Palestine become viable and successful. That means sharing water as well as
demilitarizing. The world loves an underdog, it will not abandon any state,
dictator or no.
Ant Weiss wrote:
> The state of Israel has performed many mistakes, and it is paying, but why
> the hell do we have to pay for the American oil-thirst as well?
Nelson Provazi wrote:
> I don´t remember US "doing a favor" for Europe 60 years ago.
> but anyways, this is just a comment.
This is a cliché fiction that "the US saved Europe." It is insulting to the
dead of Russia, France, Britain, and also ignores all subtlety, like the
resistance movements, something that happens when TV is the primary source of
information. Wars are for rich men, who today fight for a shrinking globe with
a model of eternal growth.
America, remember, had Henry Ford writing stuff dis-ing "the International
Jew," and Connecticut Senator Prescott Bush (grandpa) helping finance the Nazi
war machine (why else, for the money). Hmm, so much like today. Yet differences
must be drawn.
Next time you hear cliché like "America saved Europe," "France surrendered,"
"America lost in Vietnam," ask the person who said it how they came to see
things so absolute. 99% of the time they will back up the argument with insult,
factoids and invective.
Today, Brazil (I think) had a moment of silence against war at a huge soccer
game. Does this mean they are Brazilian "surrender monkeys"? The Australian
Prime Minister was censured by his parliament for being essentially too
pro-Bush. Australian "surrender monkeys"?
This fashion of French bashing is why I wrote the post titled la France - I
know they, just like us, are not perfect, but I am SO glad a vote from France,
Belgium, Germany and others slowed down the drumbeat if only for a week or two.
Peace mobilization is important and ALL nations should agree to sign and honor
arm reduction and control treaties. The US has more WMD than anyone, and has
used WMD, in the first Gulf War for example! (now US fights to excliude DU
weapons from this WMD list. How convenient. The US will not disarm or allow
inspectors to search the White House for bio weapons.
Israel has ignored UN resolutions and the US has vetoed lots of resolutions
intended to coerce Israel into making nice with their own WMD-backed policies.