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Avis a la population!!!
Saloooote all the microsounder's....what's up???
An idea crossed my mind this night by looking at "Monthy Python"!!! =
I would like to make in my emission many special on the other emissions
"digitalosound"!!! thus I would like to know if people of this forum woul=
agree to make you speak about you in the emission with an extract of your=
Send me your show in CD or K7(not in MD,please)...at:
RADIO BETON/Electrons libres
90 avenue Maginot
37100 Tours
musikexperience recordings vs wwilko =
Le vendredi 21 f=E9vrier 2003 au Lieu Unique =E0 Nantes
Tlone live + videos =
Groupgris live + videos =
+ Daa dj selector =
wwilko : http://perso.wanadoo.fr/w.w./