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EARATIONAL 2003 festival announcement
Hi All,
I hereby let you know that the EARATIONAL website was updated this week to
inform you about the program of the Dutch annual festival for electronic
music and audioart which will be taking place from friday march 28th -
sunday april 6th at 5 venues / locations in the city of 's-Hertogenbosch
(aka Den Bosch).
For more info, check www.earational.org (Macromedia's Flash plugin
required, M$IE recommended fo best viewing, and please turn you audio ON,
since we stream audio-excerpts)
* Please feel free to pass on this information to your friends (but please
no spamming on my behalf !)
Kind regards, and hope that some of you will be visting the festival,
Anton Viergever
To give you a slight 1st impression these will be the participating artists:
Jos Smolders (NL)
Alignment + Remco Schuurbiers (NL / UK)
dj DMDN (NL)
Gareth Mitchell (UK)
87 Central (USA / NL)
dj Lonely (SE / NL)
the lappetites (UK / DE / JP)
The Hafler Trio (UK / IS)
Twine + Phase4 (USA)
Pan Sonic (FI / ES / DE)
dj ip@xxxxxxxxxxx (FR)
Kevin Blechdom (USA / DE), Nanospeed (DE)
dj Klaatu (FR)
Cray (AU)
Clark Kent (DE)
Géographique (BE)
Sonic Wargame (INT)
Peter Luining (NL)
Ticklish (UK)
Ilios (GR / ES)
Derek Holzer (USA / NL) + Bas van Koolwijk (NL)
Achim Wollscheid
Ad van Buuren (NL)
Bram Vreven (BE / NL)
Stijn Stabbinck (BE)
[ under restriction of course, you never know :) ]