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wigout errors
I'm using Wigout on a PC. Somehow, I am often getting a General Protection
Fault. I've got .sq, .st, and .ev files that work fine. However, when I want to
add to the composition, I get this error. I just repeat the segments in the
segment file and give them new names. I add new states for the new segment
files. Then, I add the new states to the event file. When I run Wigout, I get
the General Protection Fault after Wigout tries to create the new events,
saying "Exiting due to signal SIGSEGV."
All of my .sg/.st/.ev files are within the ranges specified in the manual. If I
remove the added segments and events, the sound file can be created without
probelms. If I paste the problem segment/state/event in a new set of data files
and run wigout, that also works fine. Strange, or I am making a stupid mistake?
Here's another strange error I get in Wigout. I have working .sg/.st/.ev files.
When I change the event times in the .ev file, I either get an MS-DOS subsystem
error saying the CPU has encountered an unhandled exception or the same General
Protection Fault. Has anyone encountered these issues? Do you know what causes
Who here is working with the PC version? Have you encountered the same results?
Does anyone know a way to read the errors that Wigout gives for a better idea
on how to correct problems?
When Wigout works, it has given me some interesting results; still, there's
nothing aesthetically fascinating about monochrome error results in DOS.
Renick Bell
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