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Re: [microsound] Twerk's Max/MSP Patches? - lloopp

>>what's pluggo and how do you obtain it?
>pluggo is a totally boss collection of plug-ins.  you can read all about it 
>at http://www.cycling74.com/products/pluggo.html

Sorry to spam the list, but I think this is very on-topic for microsound, 
and it relates to this max patch thread...

I recommend lloopp highly... new version is wonderful! You can load all the 
pluggo vst's in lloopp to form a super voltron max/msp monster that can 
destroy all audio and video needs... hehehe...
Lloopp alos has this new step sequncer that can have as many instances of 
the same act as you need, then using the kit clayton act "tecker" you can 
globally controll them all in interesting ways. From what i am told the new 
max/msp app "Radial" is heavly based off Lloopp, and lloopp is free. Sorry 
for being a lloopp salesman, I have had so much fun building tracks and 
performing with this program, it really is a benifit of owning a mac.

see some screen shots at:

all the best
-Scott Allison

This from Klaus (main author of lloopp), on the up coming lloopp workshop 
and party/performance:

lloopp is an "open-source freeware live-improvising tool" for macintosh,
written in max/msp/jitter.
lloopp is dedicated to experimental music.
the workshop has two days, wherease the first day will be directed to
the user-site of the topic, the second day will be more for max-programmers,
lloopp-related or not.


first day:

lloopp offers a very flexible platform, that fits for different
needs and situations of live performing.
there are over 70 so called 'acts' for a variety of needs:
soundgenerators on sample- or synth-basis
controlling-patches, that adress any parameter of other 'acts'
keyboard/midi/wacom- input-patches
we will create an overview, explain functionalities, discuss problems
and needs.

second day:

max/msp/jitter/lloopp programming:
general max-programming on the one hand, lloopp-programming on the other.
lloopp is open-source, so it can be developed further by anybody who is into
max. it is quite easy to integrate own patches to the lloopp-environment
and many things on lloopp are a matter to improve of course.
besides that, lloopp offers quite a few macros for general use.
caution, max is addictiv.

bring your own laptop with latest lloopp installed, but that is
no obligation of course.

max/msp/jitter: http://www.cycling74.com
lloopp: http://loopool.live.fm/filez/LLOOPP

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