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T shirt and data idea

I am not rich but I would like to see different t shirt designs and might buy
one if I liked the look.

I have a lot of students, hipsters and scientists (I live near NIH) and there
are young kids too (I am ancient by comparison) so if they ask about it, hey -
that's my cue to tell them about the genre and recommend some url's

that is what I am doing, not making any other statements...
I wish I still lived in Europe now, it is a kinder gentler place - I have
lived in 4 countries there. I agree that European cultures and also others
(for example the OZ electronic music scene) contribute a lot to the
development of art and sound, or course.

I tried a technique for whacking sound last year I want to share.

I begin transferring .aiff data over a network using "import dual mono" in
Peak. Then I interrupt. The file is partially drawn and is useful in Peak.
Nice distortion and squaring of the graphics.

also does anyone know any interesting tricks using "real producer"?

brendax@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

> a less northamerican approach: i think microsound comes out
> of a deep european culture too. and probably it depends on what kind of
> community the list is intended to create
> ciao
> e.
> At 23.15 03/03/2003 -0500, you wrote:
> >Hello list
> >
> >For 1 day I have been wearing my new microsound T-shirt. It is
> >nicely made and (I think) looks cool, and so I have been testing it
> >on the many hipsters and scientists I see daily walking about. I
> >have to thank the design and sales team (of Kim and J. Frede) for
> >this. Are there more too? Thanks...
> >
> >thanks for the quick work
> >hope the project makes money! everybody buy one!
> >tim
> >
> >
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