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[sf] call for talent: pirate radio webcast

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attn:  san francisco microsound artists/producers/djs...

i host monthly webcast on a pirate radio station (sf liberaiton radio) =
here in sf and i was wondering if any of you would be interested in =
appearing as guests on the show.  i'm open to having you play live, play =
your tracks/recordings or other favorite (other artist) tracks, or =
submit a mix, whatever -- either way, we can discuss details off-list.  =
as info:  the show is called "your blue room" and i host every third =
thursday of the month from 9-11pm pst.


future dates are (all thurs):

march 20
april 17
may 15

a little background:  while the show hasn't been entirely devoted to =
microsound, it's been slowly evolving over the (2.5+) years i've been =
doing it -- and i'd like to devote (at least) the next 3 shows to the =
local sf microsound scene.  to give you a little taste of where my =
show's been heading lately:

tracks from feb 2003 broadcast:

tracks + mp3 clip of my show w/microsound's own NUUK (nov 2002):


again, email me off-list if interested and we'll take it from there.  i =
will, of course, keep the list updated on the show schedule once the =
slots are finalized.


