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question about trademark

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really?... so the nice tshirts that goga&me gonna manufacturate for us&our friends (even sons of a bitch have friends, usually sons of a bitch too...) usin' not only the trademark "microsound.org" but also the high inspiration that we get in .psd format from microsound hotline server, need approval from kim?

i would mail him to ask for it, but the guy seems so busy to reply my msgs... suppose censoring my posts or just deleting the music we put in his "hotline server. it is used for online chats, to share files (.mp3, .aiff, .wav, MAX/MSP patches, etc...), and other .microsound projects...

but if microsound is a trademark, well, clear enough

enjoy it

jusep torres campalans

>well since Kim's name is directly connected to the name "microsound.org" and
>the "microsound list" and he is one of the Three owners of the list (see the
>website "contact the owners") then yes there is someone "in charge"


> Or ... you could just have a "contest" ... unless microsound is a
> didn't realize anyone was "in charge" here
> >
> > I also want to point out that if you are interested in having a
> > for another shirt you have to get it approved through Kim, as he is one
> > the one in charge.
> >
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