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Re: [microsound] question about trademark

--- "j.frede" <jfrede@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Its this thing called respect,, it doesn't sound
> like you are familiar with
> this term, but it usually works like this: some one
> does something that is
> helpful to you, 
>that you enjoy,
> that creates opportunity for you
> or has
> achieved accomplishments in his/her life that are
> worthy of high
> recognition. you show them respect and be grateful
> for their time and effort
> (in this case the creation of this list that we use
> daily for networking,
> conversing, annoying others on...) for giving you
> something for FREE.
tenkiu.but in fact i am banned from this list.my music
was thrased from microsound hotline server. no tenkiu
> so sure you can make any shirt you please, but if
> you try and sell "microsound.org" t-shirts 
sell sell sell... we don't sell, that's for the
sellers, like u, we gonna give it for FREE

> with out consulting Kim
> first it would just be
> very disrespectful.
> now that you mention it, i think ill print up some
> US currency for me and my
> friends to spend,,, no need to ask the US MINT for
> their approval, its a
> free country and its my paper right...
go for it then
> silly, silly, silly
> j.frede

jusep torres campalans

> j.frede
> >
> > really?... so the nice tshirts that goga&me gonna
> manufacturate for us&our
> friends (even sons of a bitch have friends, usually
> sons of a bitch too...)
> usin' not only the trademark "microsound.org" but
> also the high inspiration
> that we get in .psd format from microsound hotline
> server, need approval
> from kim?
> >
> > i would mail him to ask for it, but the guy seems
> so busy to reply my
> msgs... suppose censoring my posts or just deleting
> the music we put in his
> "hotline server. it is used for online chats, to
> share files (.mp3, .aiff,
> .wav, MAX/MSP patches, etc...), and other
> .microsound projects...
> >
> > but if microsound is a trademark, well, clear
> enough
> >
> > enjoy it
> >
> > jusep torres campalans
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