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Re: [microsound] "Academic" computer music?

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>Hi Phil, when you say "computer music" do you mean purely electronic, 
>electroacoustic or both, as composed on the computer? A list of 
>especially the latter category would be *endless* so to speak. 
>Best, Dale 

Primarily, I am thinking of "computer music" in the classical sense of
the term, i.e., music produced at research-based institutions using
computers in a way in which only a computer could be used (i.e., not
using computers to just emulate analog devices or non-digital sound
processing). Admittedly, recently, the term "computer music" is becoming
somewhat anachronistic, as more and more electroacoustic music is being
done on the computer, as opposed to in the classical tape music studio
or with analog voltage control devices or whatever. But when I say
"computer music," I am thinking of people like Charles Dodge, Roger
Reynolds, Curtis Roads, Barry Truax, Kaija Saariaho (her work at IRCAM
for example), and things like that. Some of the composers Bill
mentioned, like Pauline Oliveros, aren't exactly what I think of as
computer music, since I don't think computers are used much, if at all.
Primarily I'm just trying to get a sense of how much of a connection
people feel with the "computer music scene". Do people read the Computer
Music Journal? Are people familiar with the "Computer Music Currents"
series of CD's? That kind of thing. Just curious. It's part of my
research, I guess, but also a discussion which seems interesting to me.


>Dale Lloyd: http://www.and-oar.org/dalelloyd.html 
>and/OAR: http://www.and-oar.org/ 


Phil Thomson


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