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Re: [microsound] "Academic" computer music?
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>ph!L writes:
> Primarily I'm just trying to get a sense of how much of a connection
> people feel with the "computer music scene". Do people read the
> Computer Music Journal? Are people familiar with the "Computer Music
> Currents" series of CD's? That kind of thing. Just curious. It's part
>of my
> research, I guess, but also a discussion which seems interesting to
>I do have some of the Computer Music Currents series, as well as a
>of the releases in the Cultures Electroniques series, but even most of
>those are electroacoustic works rather than "purely computer" related
>works. A couple people who haven't already been mentioned in this
>and whose *pure computer* works I've admired would be Gottfried Michael
>Koenig and Roland Kayn....
I have been looking everywhere for recordings of pieces made with
Koenig's SSP. Is that what you are referring to? Or are you meaning the
Funktion series?
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