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Philo'n'lectrons libres

Saloooote everybody all the microsounder's!!!!

With a little later...ouppsss sorry...this is the PowerPlay of "electrons=

libres" of 02/03/03
Une l=E9g=E8re fatigue m'empare...c normal g eut 4 heures de Philo...un s=
matin, y'a pas mieux pr casser ta t=EAte:-)...et casser t'on WE aussi:-(

1-Hakan Libdo:Non Xox(Bip-hop, la baleine)
        -Compil "Tonne SoundToy Software"
La vitesse...c d=E9pass=E9!!!???
2-Freescha:Live and Learn me(Carpark records,La baleine)
        -Compil "Do you wanna a Craprak?"
3-Mocky:Sweet Music(Gomma,M10)
        -Album "In mesopotamia"...enfin une sortie correcte apr=E8s 1an d=
probl=E8mes de distribution...fo pas louper ce morceau,un vrai tube tout
droit sorti d'un Gonzales!!!

And Now...The Duel between Wevie Stonder and...WEVIE STONDER!!!
4-Wevie Stonder:The duel(Skam)
        -MCD "Eat Your own ears"...ou le disque le plus s=E8rieux!!! que =
5-Wevie Stonder:(untitled trax)(Skam,La baleine)
        -Album "Drawning on other people heads"

6-Odot.Lamm destructuration mix by Enrich Zahn(Active Suspention)
        -Compil "Odot.Lamm Remix"
        -Demo "terminal"...so click's...so cut's...!!!

2nd Part:
LFO(aka Mark Bell)
Mix exclusif live at "Villette Num=E9rique" le 27/09/02
With The Neptunes, The Clips, Drexiya...and more more!!!!


Radio B=E9ton 93.6/electrons libres
90 avenue Maginot
37100 Tours