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Re: [microsound] Massive attack + Akufen +Vladislav
> > hey anyone hear the two rmixes on the new massive attack album,
> > one by akufen the other by vladislav delay?
>yes, the "special cases" (feat. sinead o'connor) remixes -- i've got the
>12" -- and while it's by no means mind-blowing from a minimal/click-house
>standpoint, the luomo/delay version is pretty solid i think. both tracks
>roll in at 9 minutes plus. as for the akufen...well, if you've heard the
>original of "special cases", just imagine what you'd think the akufen
>rework of this tune might sound like...and there you have it. i will say
>that o'connor's vocals are so so sweet and work incredibly well with the
>massive attack sound. i, myself, am quite happy (but not that suprised)
>that massive have enlisted these guys to do reworks.
thanks for the review, I heard a review of this album on NPR friday night,
have not heard any of the massive attack albums. Apprently "special cases"
is only one of the three massive attack members, and it sounds like it has a
more IDM feeling through-out. I was surpirsed to notice on the forced
exposure new releases site, that it contains two remixes by heavy hitters
of the underground electronic music community. It should be interesting
because I bet more than half the people buying "special cases" have never
heard of akufen or Valdislav Delay, Massive Attack by including the
remixers, will hopefully have open some doors.
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