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Re: [microsound] music from Iraq?
Hi Jonas,
I couldn't find any reference to Iraqui electronic music in
If you are really interested this page could provide you with more infos.
There's an email address.
In addition, it's not about electronic music but nevertheless worth
"To Show A Civilization: Contemporary Art In Baghdad"
and "Art Across Borders show opens in Minneapolis"
"The Babylon Art and Cultural Center
proudly presents the
opening of the
international traveling
exhibit "Art
Across Borders," to open
February 8,
2003 with a reception
beginning at
6pm. This exhibit of over
contemporary artworks from
and Iraq is a not only an
to modern art in Palestine
and Iraq,
but also an opportunity for
viewers to
become intimately
acquainted with the
lives of artists who are
bravely creating
under conditions that
threaten their
very survival."
jonas olesen wrote:
> does anyone have information about
> experimental/electronic acts from Iraq?
> Preferrably somebody that are active inside the
> country.
> I have only been able to find information about
> traditional and popular music so far.
> /Jonas.
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