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=?x-unknown?q?clonk_&_L4P_present_=5Bbleep=5D=5Bmontr=E9al=5D=5Bn?==?x-unknown?q?aw=5D=5Bsarcastic=5D=5Btobias=5D=5Bkilobyte=5D?= (fwd)
- To: microsound <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: =?x-unknown?q?clonk_&_L4P_present_=5Bbleep=5D=5Bmontr=E9al=5D=5Bn?==?x-unknown?q?aw=5D=5Bsarcastic=5D=5Btobias=5D=5Bkilobyte=5D?= (fwd)
- From: neil@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2003 21:55:25 -0500 (EST)
----MARCH 27th, 2003 ---
clonk & level 4
launch the following transmission:
[ bleep ] ] ] ]
featuring !
---> naw - [live]
=2Enoise factory, piehead, clonk
---> sarcastic
=2Elevel 4 productions
---> tobias
=2E<ST>, quadrantcrossing.org, clonk
---> kilobyte
=2Elevel 4 productions
march 27 2003 - cost: $4 .
@ club amnesia, 1421 bishop st. montreal.
(in association with Fried Ass Productions)
=3D=3D=3D=3D words for those of you who like to read! =3D=3D=3Dpress releas=
[bleep] signifies a new collaboration between Neil Wiernik's Clonk and
Sarcastic's Level 4 productions, a top-notch crew of techno wizards and
producers. Neil, aka prolific minimal and experimental producer "naw," has
returned to his Montr=E9al hometown after spending several years scratching
out his Clonk productions in Toronto, where with Greg Smith he pioneered
both local and international techno talent. Level 4 has been hard at work i=
Montr=E9al, launching Standard records and assembling a talented crew of
techno DJs, VJs and artists who produce regular events and collaborations,
including the Level 4 online radio show. Members of Level 4 include
Kilobyte, Sarcastic, Freebass, Tolter, Simmetrik and Nter with Mindlab
providing the visuals. tobias, a black sheep techno DJ, writer, and
experimental audio producer of 10 years from the rainy environs of
Vancouver, BC, brings his dub-influenced techno sounds and curating, DJing,
and fishing skills to Montreal by submitting his soul to the Clonk empire.
=2E.hot and fresh bios!
[naw] - http://www.noisefactoryrecords.com/naw.htm
Montr=E9al born Neil Wiernik is a media artist turned electronic music
composer who began creating electronic music in 1988. naw is known as one t=
push the boundaries of his musical form from designing new or manipulating
existing sound making devices and software to creative uses of production
environments and sound sources. Though his composition and production style=
are diverse, naw keeps a central focus throughout all his production:
experimentation. Neil has released music under his given name and under the
pseudonym of naw, on various national and international record labels Noise
Factory and Piehead. naw has performed extensively along side a variety of
national and international artists including sutekh, kit clayton, stewart
walker, unit, phoenicia, jake mandell, tikiman and scion, monolake,
rechnezentrum, apparat, kero, todd sines, deadbeat, algorithm, tomas jirku,
mitchell akiyama, jetone, polmo popo, david kristian, i8u, andrew duke and
martin tetreault.
[sarcastic] - http://www.level4productions.com
The evil genius behind Montreal-based underground techno pantheon Level 4
Productions, this amorphous being has contributed to the subculture=B9s
cabalistic causes on many levels for the past decade. Possessed since
childhood with a needling drive to splice together discrete musical
compositions, first with cassette decks, microphones, CD players or
8-tracks, it was only a matter of time before an unwitting companion
introduced Sarcastic to his destiny: the Technics 1200. His love for the
chugging repetitive nature of techno, acid house and hardcore genres remain=
informed by an early appreciation for hip-hop, stoner rock, jazz and
psychedelia of all sorts. Equally at home behind two or three decks,
Sarcastic has performed at virtually all local clubs; he=B9s conquered the
main room of Sona, Montreal=B9s longest standing afterhours venue, annihila=
the main stage at Arrival, the city=B9s largest outdoor festival, and, with
the Level 4 Productions famiglia, has DJed and collaborated with numerous
local promotion companies, including Nice Productions, Morphee, Renegade
Legion, Alien Crew, Clonk, Kirk6, Aria, 514, etc., and performed
coast-to-coast across the country. Describing his own style as =B3tek=B2,
Sarcastic=B9s interests range from the dark looping industrial techno of la=
cohorts Kidstatik aka the Underground Shadow, the funky tek-house of
Simmetrik aka Simon G., to his own tongue-in-cheek ghetto-tek productions
based largely on recognizable samples from such disparate sources as movies=
rap or funk. Residencies at Jai bar, Blue dog, Jingxi or Amnesia have seen
Sarcastic spinning anything from pure tek, minimal and experimental techno
to acid and deep house; some even surmise that Sarcastic plays hip-hop,
downtempo and DnB under alternate guises. It=B9s downright impossible to pi=
down the numinous wiles of the Sarcasm.
[kilobyte] - http://www.level4productions.com
Kilobyte joined the underground laboratories of Level 4 Productions in the
cold winter of 2001. Inspired by a varied musical background including a
love of heavy metal, his propensity for sheer volume and cryptic
compositions inevitably drew him towards slamming hard electronic music.
As the percussive element in a thrash/speed band he eventually began
exploring techno through the medium of turntables in 1998. Acidified
bass-lines and twisted psychedelic mid-range pulsations slide effortlessly
through his hard progressive tek sets. Kilobyte has been busy
consolidating his cabalistic powers with fellow technical decknician
Freebass, as they wage bloody war on the Musical Establishment with
subversive sequenced sound patterns.
[tobias] - http://www.shrumtribe.com | http://www.quadrantcrossing.org
tobias c. van Veen is a sound and net artist, DJ, and writer. He has been
enmeshed with musikal resistance culture since 1993. >> writer
residencies: immediatism columnist for e|i [http://www.ei-mag.com],
Literature Editor for Capital [http://www.capitalmag.com], Panarticon
columnist @ Discorder [http://www.citr.ca/discorder], & a resident critic
for Incursion.org, Dustedmagazine.com & Stylusmagazine.com. >>sonic
net.art can be found on rhizome.org, 120seconds.com, thisistheonlyart.com
+ ctheory.com. /Organised: audio curation of the 2002 Video-In Signal &
Noise Festival, director of the 2001 Refrains: Music Politics Aesthetics
UBC conference [http://www.shrumtribe.com/refrains], curated the 'glitch
&granular' evening of the 2002 New Forms Festival
[http://www.newformsfestival.com], & produced over two dozen events
featuring international techno and experimental electronic talent as
Direktor of the <ST> project & Collective [http://www.shrumtribe.com];
tobias is co-founder of [http://www.technowest.org] || ::performing across
the globe as an experimental, slightly off-balance 3-deck techno DJ for
the past 10 years - gig sampler: Sutekh's Static in SF, Betalounge.com,
mix_sessions [SAT] & intr_version august 2002 showcase :: [residencies]:
techno.ca/targetcircuitry w/ ben nevile, 3 radio shows on CiTR 101.9FM
'97-2002, nights at The Sugar Refinery & Fiction Vancouver || & I'm
currently in the Department of Communications at McGill University writing =
thesis on the politics of sound and trying to eat all the different types o=
cheese Montr=E9al has to offer.
[clonk] - http://www.techno.ca/clonk
Clonk is a collective of individuals dedicated to promoting bleeding edge
electronic art in detailed temporary environments with an emphasis on
exposing new and unknown aural and visual talent to the electronic arts
communities of Toronto and more recently Montreal. Clonk was founded in
the early winter months of 2000 by Neil Wiernik and Greg Smith. Clonk has
progressed from smaller monthly clubs nights that focused on the local
flavor of electronic music and video artists of Southern Ontario to larger
scaled one-off events. These larger events have been focused on bringing
together local artists with more well known European and American artists
on the same stage. In the past Clonk has showcased upstart music
producers, DJs, record labels and emerging visual artists all working in
the electronic realms. Our foremost goal is to showcase off-the-wall and
raw genres of music and visual electronic arts-- not just those that are
currently en vogue. Recently Clonk hosted a series of artists who
influenced Greg and Neil over the past several years and provided the
inspiration for Clonk. This ongoing series has included experimental
German, American and Canadian minimal techno artists such as
Rechenzentrum, Monolake, Joshua Kit Clayton, Tikiman with Scion, Sutekh,
Kero, Todd Sines, and Apparat. Clonk has hosted Canadians Deadbeat,
Crackhaus, Mike Shannon, Granny Ark, Tinkertoy, Algorithm, Dick Richards,
tobias and Tomas Jirku.
[Level 4 Productions] - http://www.level4productions.com
Born in the mind of DJ Sarcastic many years ago, Level 4 has provided an
outlet and a second family for some of Montreal=B9s top underground
electronica talents through various projects, including event organization
and promotion, music publishing, radio show broadcasting, graphic design an=
live performance. Currently counting among its members nine DJs, many of
whom also produce music and promote, and a VJ, the collective represents th=
voice of the urban subculture, abiding by such tried, tested and true tenet=
as =B3if the fool would persist in his folly he would become wise=B2; =B3on=
love=B2; or =B3we=B9re all gonna die!=B2 Level 4=B9s record label Standard =
Kidstatik=B9s productions to the world with the release of Contra Diction,
their Tekstyle weekly proved that hard techno could thrive outside of the
after-hours milieu, and their continuing growth shows all of us the beauty
of living off-the-beaten path, as it were. Hard techno DJs Kilobyte,
Freebass, Toltech and Nter form the core of the roster, variety can be foun=
in the deeper, more minimal styles of Module M (currently based in
Montpelier, France), the broad diversity of founder Sarcastic, the funky
dance-floor appeal of Simmetrik aka Simon G, or the gritty east-coast hip
hop of the mystical DJ Karl Marx. Mindlab exhibits dazzling, sometimes
humorous, sultry or shocking visuals at numerous clubs, events and
afterhours in Montreal or Quebec City on a regular basis. Level 4=B9s
willingness to work with other promotion companies has led to collaboration=
with Nice Productions, Kirk 6, Morphee, Submission, Millenium Productions,
Clonk, Aria, Alien Crew and many more, producing club events at Jingxi, Blu=
Dog, Tokyo, Amnesia, Jai Bar or Kokino=B9s, to name a few, and in a host of
local loft and studio spaces. =B3Behold! Human beings living in an
underground den, which has a mouth open towards the light... here they have
been from their childhood=B2 (Socrates, the Allegory of the Cave).