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what kind of a milieu do you work from when you make your work?

> not to be the bad guy, but what has this got to do with microsound?

OK, OK how about this question...

As a composer what kind of a milieu do you work from when you make your
work? Like a collage artist, scientist, composer, performer? Does everybody
here mostly work from a studio or does everybody perform live on a regular
basis? What sort of mind set are you coming from as a computer music artist?
I know there is a wide range of people here but I think it would be
interesting to hear about what kind of paradigm people are operating from.

Myself, I am an artist, mostly visual artist. But due to an interest in
computers, fluxus, cage, my old friend James Brody, and the ability to work
in a wysiwyg environment, minidisc recorders, and the ability to take
existing sounds right off the net, and just enough time and money to play
around has unleashed my life time desire to compose musical or sound works
right from my studio without the need to depend on performers or even
audiences which, to me, was a big drawback about musical composition.

I remember years ago, James Brody was working from a computer and it was
very interesting to me but all of that back in the 70's and early 80's was
so primitive and expensive and knowledge intensive and seemed out of reach
to me at that time so I stayed focused on visual art. But since roughly 2000
things seemed much more accessible or at least that's when I noticed the
feeling of being able to participate.

I look forward to hearing something
cecil touchon