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RE: Pi Day
> I'm not sure what the proper salutation is for Pi Day...is it Happy Pi Day?
> 3.14,
"Pi there."
Or closer to home:
"Here's Pi in your eye!"
Speaking of which, the Pi project left me in a state of obsession even
after I handed in my submission. I couldn't get the bit of custom code I
wrote for the project out of my mind, and I even found myself feverishly
contemplating "Gee, what if I did this?!" during lap swim and conversations
with my family. As a partial exorcism, I finally pieced together the
following sound collage using only output from pi.c as source material:
That seemed to help stop my mind going around in circles ;) Let me know if
you're interested in playing with the C code, and I'll send you a copy (as
long as you promise to let me hear the results!)
??????????? =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
????????????? ] S. Wayne Jackson |"Imagination is [
?????????????? ] wayne@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx | more important [
??????? || ! ] <www.darwinarts.com/~wayne/>| than knowledge."[
Q Q || \\-:_ ] <www.mp3.com/laterdays> | --Einstein [
|| \___|< ] (831)338-6320 | [
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