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RE: [microsound] OT See men shredded, then say you don't back war

Dragmar, Everyone.

The government in Venezuela, today, is not


Eloy Anzola

-----Original Message-----
From: dbuchwald [mailto:dagmar.buchwald@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2003 12:42 PM
To: microsound
Subject: Re: [microsound] See men shredded, then say you don't back war

No one questions the inhumanity and brutality of Saddam Hussein.  The
U.S. government brought him into power.  Now they are trying to get rid
of him.  For reasons of humanity?  I doubt it.  If it was for
humanitarian reasons, they wouldn't help to install a military
dictatorship in Venezuela and undermine the democratic government there. 

All right, go to war. But who will die?  Civilians.  American soldiers. 
Not Saddam.  Who is next?  


"::)" wrote:
> http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,3284-614607,00.html
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> jinjin_a_gogo: i wonder what he's listening to in those bigass headphones
> while's he's spinning this shit for us
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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