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Re: [microsound] pieces of pi

my pi piece L3ud1o4l1p5 is is not present @ the web.
it is to be found in folder Bjoern_Eriksson drop box
there is also one accompanying txt file called L3ud1o4l1p5.txt

i know there have been some problems due to d/l of files with long
filenames. I changed this and hopefully things will work out.
(that is why there are some other files there now + a wrongly placed wav
file which was placed there because i didn't recognize it being a mp3 at

nice work on the page Eloy!

/björn e

> after Eloy gets a chance to do a second pass on the Pi site will everyone
> who submitted a piece please check to see that it has been included? also
> check for accuracy of the text, title and the spelling of your name
