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go to roosia boy

So I guess we'll be bringing Republicanism to Iraq? Gosh you just don't
hear that from Bush much, but then he's usually lying. Cool. They'll be
styling soon in Baghdad!

We'll still work the same old scam after the pointless killing: we'll use
US tax dollars to fund a totalitarian government of sadistic creeps, who
will buy our weapons (yes the NBC ones just like before) and pay Bechtel HP
and Halliburton a bunch.  Cheney will make money, the Carlysle group will
score and maybe you too!

Go to Roossia boy. That's what they used to say to the hippies. That's what
I say to you; get out if you want a empire. America ain't that. Your whole
tone is nasty as hell if you ask me: you propose killing out of greed, and
no doubt you get your facts from a 10 year understanding of history. Why
were the pipelines cut from Kirkuk in 1948? come on history boy. And SON -
don't start with the GW lines. With forged docs, failed diplomacy, and the
majority of US against him as well as the world (face it son) he is just a
chump and a chimp.

I hope he gets his ass in World Court and is prosecuted for the War Crimes
he has no doubt already committed. As a matter of fact, his daddy used WMD
and so will he. Yek. What a misery.

Go to Roosia boy! Get a gun on the way!

Falcata-Galia and Tariff Records wrote:

> I did indeed say what I said.  Unlike some, I don't run from my
> comments.
> You're the one playing nasty, son, not me.
> It is true both were elected, Chavez and Allende.  And both turned out
> to be creeps.  One got knocked off, the other may in the near future.
> For Bush, you must not be too wise on American politics.  This is NOT a
> democracy here, but a republic.  An electoral college elects the
> president, not the masses who vote.  The forefathers who built this
> country knew better than to blindly trust the masses (ex. Voters who
> didn't punch their cards and left chads, people too blind to know who
> they were voting for, people who had no idea how to fill out the
> ballots, etc.).
> So yes, you're right.  I don't dig democracy at all.  The republican
> concept is the best form of government, and it gets my support via taxes
> and civil service.
> Regards,
> Rudy Carrera
> Falçata-Galia Recordings
> Tariff Records
> PO Box 134
> Rialto, California 92377 USA
> http://www.falcata-galia.com
> http://www.tariffrecords.com
> http://members.tripod.com/musicsource7/index.htm
> -----Original Message-----
> From: billashline@xxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:billashline@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2003 6:57 PM
> To: microsound
> Subject: Re: [microsound] OT See men shredded, then say you don't back
> war
> Short memory, eh Rudy?  I believe in the earlier discussion, you said
> you were a syndicalist and then you aligned that position with fascism.
>  You said it,  I didn't.  As for your other comments about one's
> politics being "mush" or "bluster" or "little red books," etc., that's
> as 'ad hominem' as they get, so don't pretend your attacks aren't
> personal.  You've yet to counter one argument I've laid down.  Not one.
> Allende was democratically elected.  So was Chavez.  Bush wasn't.  What
> part of that don't you understand?  Oh I forgot.  you don't believe in
> democracy, right?
> fgrecs@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> >Did I now?  Somehow I don't see my microsound armband on my arm.
> That's
> >a pretty pathetic attempt at retaliation considering your politics are
> >mush.  I haven't attacked you personally, Bill, just your politics, so
> >mind your manners.
> >
> >
> >
> >
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