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elektroblef live 0.
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-----------\\ Elektroblef Live 0.
(+ english +)-----------------------------------------------------
Elektroblef Live 0.
Sunday, 23/March, 2003, _5-8pm_
@ salon minimal, ljubljana, slovenia
Elektroblef is listening. It is research into possible sonic
pasts, presents and futures. It is an open social platform based
on contemporary music and is a possibility for expansion of
signal and noise horizons. Wide choice is offered: in time and
genre directions. Event is based on contemporary thought,
philosophy, art directions, cultural phenomena of the nineties,
electronic and dance music, post-digital condition and history of
sound. At times digression into irrationality is allowed while
violence of abuse of decontextualisation is avoided despite of
strong playful nature of event. The electrobluffers are creating
sonic - and visual - environment to arrive at informative, exciting
and sometimes even provocative sunday afternoon.
Because of unavoidable responses to our own contexts, open and
social as well as introvert and contemplative ones, this
Elektroblef Live is symbolicaly dedicated as Sonic Territorry of
I: glitch & a thousand plateaus: Jeanne Fremaux, Ehlers Ekkehard,
Frank Bretschneider, The Rip-Off Artist, Random Inc., K.M. Krebbs
II: history revealing: John Cage, Max Mathews, Karl-Heinz
Stockhausen, Iannis Xenakis, La Monte Young, Milton Babbit.
III: net subjection: Mono211/Monotonik, No-Type, Ageema, Kahvi
Collective, Kikapu, Subsource, Pilot.FM, Stasisfield.
Visual interpretation and projection is sourced from momentarily
existing processual work of Gwen and Tano Taylor.
The event is coordinated by yours truly Dj Nova, electronic
musician, producer, dj, sonic artitect, part-time hacker,
programmer and evangelist of open source and free creativity
Salon Minimal is an open space in center of Ljubljana, where
musicians such as Jan Jelinek, Kim Cascone, Scanner and Signal
Sever performed.
Elektroblef is helped by: FooBar, Edge-Dept, CodeEp, S-breakz,
Radio Student, Kiberpipa, The Disciples of Ageema.
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