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Re: [microsound] OT See men shredded, then say you don't back war

better put, I hear mostly complaints about attitudes from the Parisian folk=

There definitely is growing Anti American cynicism that exist in Europe,
you saw it with America's recent success in the World Cub (France made an
early exit. haha..)
It's obviously based on jealousy.

on 3/19/03 3:11 PM, Falcata-Galia and Tariff Records at fgrecs@xxxxxxxxxxxx

> This I agree with.  France has many different opinions, as does this
> place.  The Occitans and Bretons aren't exactly carbon copies of the
> Parisian folk, and it seems the whole world is divided on this issue.
> Making names against the French isn't helping.  I'm no fan of Chirac,
> but he is at least entitled to his opinion.
> Regards,
> Rudy Carrera
> Fal=E7ata-Galia Recordings
> Tariff Records
> PO Box 134
> Rialto, California 92377 USA
> http://www.falcata-galia.com
> http://www.tariffrecords.com
> http://members.tripod.com/musicsource7/index.htm
