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RE: [microsound] war

Everyone is allowed to comment, Giorgio, not just what you want to hear.
This is a discussion, and the tone has gotten markedly better in the
last day.  Don't blow it.

Rudy Carrera
Fal=E7ata-Galia Recordings
Tariff Records
PO Box 134
Rialto, California 92377 USA

-----Original Message-----
From: giorgio magnanensi [mailto:giorgio@xxxxxx]=20
Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2003 1:27 PM
To: microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [microsound] war

Stop fascist comments on this list, it is quite disgusting heear people=20
justifying illegitimate aggressions in spite of massive pacifist world

puplic opinion. We don't need to hear this comments.
Giorgio Magnanensi

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