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Re: [microsound] KYMA/symbolic sound?
wow! that explains a lot... where did you hear that? do they have a new album
coming out or what? the gantz_graff ep/video (sp?) is absolutely amazing.
can't wait to hear a new full length...
Kerry Uchida wrote:
> on 3/21/03 9:43 AM, graham miller at grahammiller@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> > i'm seriously looking into purchasing this software/hardware package for
> > sound design purposes, for both music and film/videogame sound design...
> > does anybody out there own this or used this? i'm curious as to your
> > thoughts on this seemingly incredible product. i realize it's heavily
> > used in film sound design (ben burtt used this on the new 'star wars'
> > films) but i'm not sure if anyone is using it for music production... it
> > seems perfectly suited for techno and microsonic musics - i just can't
> > believe that no one has tapped into this yet...
> >
> > all the best
> > graham
> >
> >
> i believe the Autechre boys have been using it.
> It does look like an amazing unit.
> kerry
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