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Re: [microsound] [Fwd: Dear Mr. President]
macrosound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>>Rachel's death was horrible, but pics of her burning the US flag isn't
>>going to endear her to the readership in America (well, to the
>>pro-America readership, anyway).
>You are right, though. Flag burnings don't make patriots. That fact sort
>of saddens me as it is the voice of dissent that makes a healthy nation.
>And I really doubt that we would be inn this situation if peope, all the
>people in the US had the courage to actually listen to and consider what
>the "flag-burners" are saying. Open dialogue instead of writing people
>off as un-american. Once again I am being outrageously idealistic (not to
>mention, off topic).
If the conservatives can't figure out that people who burn flags
shouldn't be killed by bulldozers, then there's really nothing morally
salvagable in such people.