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Re: [microsound] synths

no kidding sounds funny man ice cream hahah yeah my first and only
performance a few months back i got so bored trying to entertain people i
took a wolfs glove i managed to have off hand (dontask) and then started
scaring mental patients.
: - )
----- Original Message -----
From: <macrosound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <petbodyisacontainer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Saturday, March 22, 2003 11:04 PM
Subject: Re: [microsound] synths

> In my opinion, a tool is a tool.  If it makes noise it's an instrument and
> there is no need to differentiate.  Computers can be used in tandem with
> synthesizers.  Ass for boring performances, I know what you mean.  I once
> saw ectomorph at a jazz club and he basically sat on a couch on stage
> drinking and occasionally cclicking a mouse.  I don't see any reason why
> computer shows have to be boring to watch.  I have personally tried to
> make my shows as interesting as possible.  Bouncing up and down or
> shouting at the audience.  I have plans to throw ice cream in the future.
> A show is what you make it.
> cheers
> > sorry i dont want to start a big synth vs computer music debate but i
> > wanted to get a response on whether or not i should start making music
> > on computer or synth
> > ive been to a glitch concert and it was rather boring watching people on
> > laptops blare out computer music it was like i was in a computer lab
> > listening to electronic music.. hehe
> > no really i dont want to diss you guys but should i get the synths i
> > want or is digital computer stuff really good.. i dont know i love racks
> > upon racks of gear and i dont know if it really sounds better than
> > computer stuff ive heard the bufferfuct material which was leeched onto
> > cdr thanks to SDX a project in the local maryland underground..
> >
> > .. and it rocked ..
> >
> > maybe im a freak too cause i like metal hehe just thought id put that
> > in.. no really the stuff reminded me of very interesting autechre style
> > stuff but do any of you guys wish you could play live to synth?
> >
> > Sage/Deepgrave Min Og Dog
> >
> >
> >
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