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Re: [microsound] war)as inspiration)

> Sorry to be that offensive - but I've never thought i'll read such a
> stupid and childish attempt of a philosophy on that list. Like that's
> not enough talking about music. Actually, I think you'll, uhmm, I'll
> better quote Adrina Belew from King Crimson: one day you'll wake up,
> though you never knew you were asleep.

hey, ED
thanks for calling my rantings childish and stupid - I realise what I say
might seem naive and separated from reality the way you see it :)
Just to be clear - I'm not trying to justify the war, I'm not taking sides
at all. I don't like america's foreign policy any more than you do. I
sincerely wish there would be no more killing. And I feel more or less the
same when a dozen israeli teenagers explode on a bus on their way to school
and when a dozen plaestinian teenagers get shot by israeli soldiers. I feel
And a bit scared, as unlike you, I live very close to this, in the very
middle of this shit.
And yes, I try to cope in my own childish philosophical way.
Stockhausen called the WTC attack "the greatest work of art of the last
century". I suppose he was talking about the cultural impact it had on the
whole world. The current war is similar - it makes one's life more intense,
it frees us from the routine of everyday life and makes us ask very deep
existential questions. I think I've learned more history in the last couple
of weeks than I did in the previous couple of years. And this is in fact
very inspiring.
But "history will teach us nothing" - we'll forget the horrors of war soon
after they're over.

Being raised in a Soviet school I sincerely believed the wars will soon
cease to be, as people have learned their final terrible lesson in WWII.
What a disappointment :( - no lessons learned...
To round this up - right now this war is good for all of us, listers , as it
helps us to get in touch with things inside of us - the sense of justice,
inner truth, compassion, etc. It is no good for the people of Iraq, or for
US and UK soldiers as they're the ones being killed. In the end it may prove
very bad for the US, or very good for Iraqi people, or senseless and not
good for anyone. I don't know... Do you?
