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Max/MSP/Jitter workshop - March 30 in LA

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The American Composers Forum Technology Workshop in Max/MSP/Jitter 
with Joshua Kit Clayton is only seven days from now (Sunday, March 
30) at the American Film Institute in Los Angeles. This will be a 
rare opportunity to learn about this amazing music and media 
programming environment from one of its creators.

There is still time to make reservation in order to be assured space.

More information about the workshop, and about the associated evening 
performance event can be found at the acf/LA Web site at:


The workshop will be held from 11 AM until 4 PM at the American Film 
Institute in Los Angeles, in a classroom facility with a sound and 
projection system. There will be tables and AC power for those who 
wish to bring their computers and follow along as Josh builds and 
demonstrates patches. If you don't already have the software, you can 
download a demo version from:


The tuition fee for the workshop is $20 for ACF members and 
registered students and $35 for all others. In addition, anyone who 
joins ACF and pays the annual membership dues of $50 will be able to 
attend the workshop at no additional cost. Workshop participants will 
also be able to attend the evening party at the Derby at half price. 
More information on the e|i magazine launch party may be found at:


And while we're talking about money, Cycling '74 has agreed to allow 
workshop participants to buy software licenses at the educational 
discount price. This is a substantial saving over the regular price 
(40-50% off, depending on which package you buy).

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        American Composers Forum, Los Angeles - Technology Workshops

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	Need more info?:  (818) 788-2202 or <tekWorx@xxxxxxxxxxxx>


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Richard Zvonar, PhD
(818) 788-2202
