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Re: [microsound] Re: OT[microsound ] war

Hello Joshua,

Do you know which article in the Geneva conventions says that? I'm looking
at right now but can't seem to find it. Just curious.

Has anyone seen the frontline episode about how saddam hussein came to
power? very interesting. I was quite surprised to learn that there was a
real connections between Al Queada and Iraq. The proof was that an Iraqi
agent interviewed had said that they had trained people such as bin laden
and others. I think the commentators went to extent of saying that iraq
had sold nuclear arms to al queda, though for some reason I can't see that
happening considering that they also said that saddam had put a couple
billion dollars into weaponizing ONE nuclear bomb. Even though all this
information came from pbs, I still have my doubts. the distance between me
and the political reality of the middle east makes for very much


On Tue, 25 Mar 2003, Joshua Schrei wrote:

> last time I checked, invading a sovereign nation without the backing of the
> international community was a violation of the geneva convention too.
