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City of the future

> "fugadeserebros" <fugadeserebros@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote
> ok, i'm an architect and urbanist and this project touched me in a =
> special way. i'm inviting you to investigate the philosophy of =
> contemporary urbanism> the cities we see in most sci-fi movies from =
> metropolis to blade runner are representations of a culture of =
> accumulation, while other approaches corresponding to a culture of =
> fluxes, for instance, don't have a representation in any movie i know so =
> far.

The piece that I am contemplating for this project, is not set too far into
the future. The UK government has recently outlined their plans for future
housing growth management. One of there plans is for the creation of the
"Linear City". The plan being to build new housing developments within the
Thames Gateway, spreading down from London, between each of the major towns
along the Thames "river banks", to the Medway Towns, making a 40 mile long
"Linear City". I live in the Medway towns so would be at the edge of this
new development. I am considering the environmental impact this would have
on the river side habitat, and also the effect good or bad on improved links
with London and population growth in the South East of england.




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