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RE: [microsound] # minLove.net - 2nd attempt #

Haven't had a chance to listen to any of it - still dl'ing - but first
impressions : nice site & good clear content and access
Good stuff

-----Original Message-----
From: christian meinke [mailto:clicks@xxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: 26 March 2003 16:49
To: microsound - list
Subject: [microsound] # minLove.net - 2nd attempt #

A week ago i posted this young project to the list.
Unfortunately, a few hours later i got some trouble 
while changing my provider. Sorry for this failure.

this is the 2nd attempt to presentate some tracks/
pieces of mine and a small project that needs some


***********   www.minlove.net   ***********

"Minilove.net is a presentation platform for experiments/ 
projects within the context of contemporary music. 
Minilove stands for love for minimal music and alternative 
sound sources. It describes above all differences and the 
constantly changing connection between minimal music 
and influences of techno and house.

Minilove is not a label in the conventional sense, but a 
non-commercial and independent project. Minilove wants 
to encourage musicians and sound artists to realize projects 
and to give the opportunity to present them. Often, exciting 
and individual projects gather dust in dark drawers, unnoticed 
and unheard. Minilove looks for for these hidden treasures 
and offers space for sounding ideas and the opportunity to 
publish concepts and individual pieces. ... "

please let me know what you think about this project ...


Christian Meinke
Berlin (germany)


Playground for sonic experiments and non-comercial 
platform for music between clicks&cuts and techno...

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