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micreosound and Benjamin

Hello all -

I am currently gathering research material for a paper on Walter Benjamin's 
theory as applied to microsound. This is certainly not a new idea, though I 
am having difficulty locating sources that deal specifically with music. Any 
suggestions would be most appreciated.

And while I'm here, let me also add that I have recently relocated to 
Montreal and have discovered some tremendous local efforts that deserve 
attention. I8U and Magali Babin will certainly be familiar to those in the 
area, but for others I must recommend their work, particularly Babin's disk 
on No Type (low-fi improv experimentations that employ a mic, a body, 
various metal objects and processing). I mention them because their live 
shows alone have revivified my enthusiasm for performance possibilities. 
Great stuff.

Thanks again for any help with B.


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