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Re: [microsound] brainstem b.e.(was Heart Recording?)


  I've done some work with body electricity; one doesn't have to insert any
probes , it does help to be in a 'certain state' ,however.

  Awhile ago somebody posted a link to an article about the sound of the
brain stem , and there's a neat little soundfile:


 and I couldn't help noticing the' sonic similarities' between that file and
something I made with supercollider:


I seems possible to record body electricity and then reconstruct or recreate
the sounds which might be benefivial , perhaps make new friends that way...


on 3/28/03 9:40 AM, Patrick Norris at untitledartist@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

>>> It be neat if you could use the electricic current running from your
>>> brain  stem to your heart as a trigger or control voltage,  although I'm
>>> sure it be  painful.
>> It is possible to use your body's current in certain wire-bent loops.
>> This can be tested just like how you test for other cool sounds except you
>> place yourself in the circuit.  You can then solder a couple of brass
>> door-knobs or metal rods or something to control the sound.  You might
>> also be interested in this...
> Yes, I read about this..I also do some circuit beding, but it usually just
> involves bridging points on the IC chips in my drum machines (not
> recomended)
> What I was thinking was more along the lines of using your bodies electric
> impulse as your timing device..this way you could design tracks who's
> sequences are based on your rhythm, and stress or exertion would drive the
> sequence faster. But it'd involve inserting wires into your neck (possible
> paralysis?)
> P
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