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Re: [microsound] project invite: 'City of the Future'

First post! and my first contribution to a microsound project is 
uploading currently to the COTF folder! Exciting stuff.

I've placed the mp3 and text file in the eien drop box - as seems to be 

The files are  tomorrow_city.mp3 and tomorrow_city.txt (added  
tomorrow_city(correct).txt )

My apologies to anyone who has a dog that starts howling when my track 
is played. I'm singing on this one (using the term loosely), another 
first (at least for me).



(and it looks like my rtf to txt conversion made a small mess of the 
txt file!
aigh! so.. add tomorrow_city(correct).txt to the file list and live and 

On Sunday, March 23, 2003, at 10:40 PM, Kim Cascone wrote:

> I rented Tarkovsky's 'Solaris' again last month after seeing the 
> Soderbergh
> remake in LA last November and thought it would make for a good
> remix/treatment project...
> I've always had a favorite part of 'Solaris': 'the city of the future' 
> - as
> it is titled on the DVD release...the entire scene is recorded from the
> point of view of the astronaut as he drives to the city on the 
> highway...the
> sound design for this particular scene has always haunted me...along 
> with
> the sound for Eraserhead it is some of the best sound art in a film I 
> can
> think of (other than Stalker that is)...so I grabbed it off the DVD 
> and will
> make it available on the hotline server as an aiff file in a couple of
> hours...I just need to finish uploading it...
> I thought the title was fitting due to the current world 
> situation...it is
> not an overt political theme for the project but it implies hope for a 
> city
> in the future...so while this could mean 'Baghdad' it could also mean 
> the
> city you live in/near or a city you like to visit...a city could also
> represent any large collection of various types and races of people...
> in any event, this is meant to be a productive, constructive, creative 
> theme
> expressing hope for the future...
> OK, sharpen your mouse (I borrowed that from someone - can't remember 
> - but
> thanks!) and fire up your audio software and start on it...
> *** if you need a password please ask me BEFORE APRIL 1st as I am 
> leaving
> for Europe on the 4th and will not be able to assign passwords while 
> on the
> road...I am usually at the mercy of internet cafe's and borrowed 
> computers
> to check my email...
> deadline: May 5
> length: no longer than 6 minutes
> any questions please contact me off list:
> <kim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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