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Re: [microsound] war
It just goes to show the American media have more non-objective reporting to
I find it ironic that web site is trying to sell a t-shirt with Hitler,
Stalin's photo in protest to the United States and S. H. idolizes Stalin
practice the same brutality over his people with torture and scare tactics.
on 4/1/03 4:22 PM, walrus and the carpenter at chewybach@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> yeah you tell it like it is stevepwats...anti American propaganders like
> Featured on "Good Morning America," "20/20 Downtown," "60 Minutes," The
> Discovery Channel, A&E, Court TV and more, Jones appears on multiple
> stations across the country, and has been called, "an absolutely riveting
> television presence," by Patrick Beech of the Austin-American Statesman.
> Mike Kelley, also of the Austin-American Statesman, said of Mr. Jones, "On
> television, he exudes so much energy that a viewer might almost expect bits
> of flesh to start flying from the screen."Alex Jones was recognized as "Best
> Radio Host" in the 1999 Austin Chronicle Reader's Poll, "Best TV Host" in
> the 2001 Austin Chronicle Reader's Poll, "Best Mover and Shaker" in the 2002
> Austin Chronicle Reader's Poll. His website, www.infowars.com was voted
> "Best Webzine" in that same poll.
> BBC Reporter Greg Palast: " this guy is a national treasure, a light
> breaking through the electronic Berlin Wall of the US media establishment."
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "spw" <stevepwats@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> To: "microsound" <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2003 8:56 AM
> Subject: Re: [microsound] war
>> anti-America propaganda
>> on 3/31/03 10:09 PM, walrus and the carpenter at chewybach@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> wrote:
>>> www.infowars.com
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