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Re: [microsound] Sonic Psy-Ops

Well, let's see, for starters,

If an enemy nation dropped all kinds of leaflets over my city telling me
about stuff, I would probably think it was really interesting.  Even if it
told me to run for cover or that I was an asshole (I love collecting Chick
tracts, BTW ... http://www.chick.com ).  I would enthusiastically collect as
many as I could and try to sell collections of them on Ebay.

On the other hand ... if an enemy nation dropped bombs, harmful
microorganisms, or even plastic balls that looked like toys but exploded
when picked up ... I would probably consider that terrorism.  I would also
feel that way if, let's say, a group of angry people got on every freeway
overpass in Los Angeles at 4pm on a Monday and started shooting cars below.
I would even feel that way if this happened in another city in my country.

Does that clear anything up?

----- Original Message -----
From: "rob" <rob@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "microsound" <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2003 2:59 PM
Subject: Re: [microsound] Sonic Psy-Ops

> Could somebody clear me up on the difference between psychological
> operations and terrorism?
> Rob
> > Does psy-ops sound like a bad name for a Psy-Trance promoter crew to
> anyone
> > else?
> >
> >
> >
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