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Paulo Raposo / festival IFI

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Paulo Raposo

audio performance / festival IFI

4.april.2003 18h

The performance will be held in an Auditory Attention Chamber (which is the
opposite of Anechoic Chamber).
There will only be an usher (like the usher in a cinema) with a torch, and
the spectator will be able to enjoy the sonic flow as a functional
apparatus, as a decorative object. The artist will be merged with the
audience and in darkness so that the spectators cannot see the artist and
the artist cannot see them.

The performance is inspired and dedicated to Maurice Blanchot (1907-2003).

the SIRR set will be also presenting Ja_dijiste (20h) and [des]integra=E7=E3o

t:+34 986 801878 / +34 650 374 317
Fac. Belas Artes, Pazo da Cultura. Pontevedra, Spain.


