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RE: [microsound] war
Hallo Tim;
>Rudy I agree, it is nice to be able to have this discussion w/o much
>bitterness. A little name caling is OK, but if it gets crazed (like I
>a short while back) I say, let's all chill out with what ever.
I'll drink to that.
>> Unfortunately, it has very
>> little to do with Christ's teachings in any sort of way. They are,
>> indeed, bad Christians.
>This war is supported by approx. 40-60 percent of people depending on
>you ask the question (shows the intelligence factor right there)
Loaded answer, amigo. Because someone supports or doesn't support
doesn't mean anything in terms of intelligence. Chomsky, who is a
genius, doesn't support the war. Wolfowitz, who is also incredibly
smart, supports it. Dumb people support and don't support the war.
Perfect washout.
>probably 20-30 percent of these are your so-called "bad" christians.
>I read recently (in Time, U.S. News or Newsweek) that over 48 percent
>Americans believe in biblical prophecy - but get this - over 35 percent
>think we are in the "end times." W. by all accounts thinks this way.
We may well be. It is the Orthodox perspective to not worry about that,
but to live as if every day were our last, and to be prepared
spiritually, not in the survival mode.
>So since we are all soon to reap our eternal reward/punishment, why
care to
>keep anyone alive?
The mission isn't over. We're here to learn, I suppose. Prep work for
the final exam, to put it in cheesy university terms.
>btw Rudy - Roman or Orthodox?
Orthodox. Was chrismated in the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, attended
Greek, Russian and Serbian Orthodox Churches for scholastics, and will
probably be married in either the Bulgarian or Macedonian Orthodox
Church. I get around.
Another fine round of debate. Most of you are a quite healthy lot to
talk to. Kim should consider opening up a coffee shop so we can argue
in person.
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