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RE: [microsound] war
I'm actually going first to Macedonia to teach and work with USAid, so
I'm way ahead of you there, in terms of your idea. Should there be an
opening, damn straight I'd go to Iraq. I was in the Balkans when there
were bombs going off in Belgrade, so I can say first-hand what it's like
to have to endure this. But unlike a great deal of leftist types (not
all - some of the people here who hold views different from mine have
proved to be good people who merely disagree with me), I can speak with
the experience of seeing ugly things happening, only to end up being for
the greater good. NO ONE LIKES WAR, despite what those critical of the
military like to say. =20
And about anger... Are you reading the same letters I'm writing, or are
you projecting something that's not there? I've read and re-read what
I've been writing, and although I do what I can to stress a point here
and there, there should be nothing at all to imply any sort of anger. I
think this just may be wishful thinking on your part. I'm quite pleased
with life right now, to be honest. Worried like everyone else for the
fate of the world, but pleased in my personal dealings.
On your last paragraph I agree highly. Another good reason to move to a
slightly poorer place - at least there the coffee and people are good,
and life's pace is slower.
Rudy Carrera
Fal=E7ata-Galia Recordings
Tariff Records
PO Box 134
Rialto, California 92377 USA
-----Original Message-----
From: jan.larsson [mailto:jlarsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]=20
Sent: Sunday, April 06, 2003 4:32 AM
To: microsound
Subject: Re: [microsound] war
hmm, well I dont identify myself with any regime or religion at all.=20
and I dont think there is much point in listening to media at all as=20
the reports are so tightly controlled and censored. the truth and=20
complete picture about what is happening in iraq right now will be=20
known in a couple of years, not before.
actually I think you should sign up as a volunteer worker to rebuild=20
iraq. I guarantee that it would make you less angry and bitter and=20
give new perspective to what you hear on the news. its all about human=20
beings, you should not buy into the propaganda metaphors - its a=20
country with 18 million human beings of which about 10-12 are children.=20
iraq military spending is 0.0015% of the world total. US military=20
spending is 50% of the world total.
I can understand the bitterness and anger for someone who identifies=20
himself with the USA. the country is economically bankrupt and almost=20
every new economical and statstical report shows it is getting worse=20
for every month. dont beleive me (or anyone) on this, just look it up=20
yourself. I'm giving you the official figures.
the ecomonical peak was the credit-fuelled bubble in the late 90's. the=20
stockmarket peak was march 2000 but with very low volumes, the actual=20
peak happened 98/99. since then the decline has only acccelerated, you=20
can check these figures easily also. we have just seen the start of the=20
political decline and the only thing left to use as influence in the=20
world is the military power. a very sad story. and potentiallly very=20
s=F6ndagen den 6 april 2003 kl 12.32 skrev Falcata-Galia and Tariff=20
> Oh, this coming from someone who will buy his own propaganda hook,
> and sinker?
> Spare me.
> Regards,
> Rudy Carrera
> Fal=E7ata-Galia Recordings
> Tariff Records
> PO Box 134
> Rialto, California 92377 USA
> http://www.falcata-galia.com
> http://www.tariffrecords.com
> http://members.tripod.com/musicsource7/index.htm
> -----Original Message-----
> From: jan.larsson [mailto:jlarsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Sunday, April 06, 2003 3:30 AM
> To: microsound
> Subject: Re: [microsound] war
> ... at least for someone who buys the media propaganda 110%.
> best regards,
> the richard perle fan club
> s=F6ndagen den 6 april 2003 kl 12.26 skrev Falcata-Galia and Tariff
> Records:
>> He isn't a zealot in the way clerics are in Islam. Even remotely
>> comparing Bush to those whack-jobs is intellectual dishonesty.
>> Regards,
>> Rudy Carrera
>> Fal=E7ata-Galia Recordings
>> Tariff Records
>> PO Box 134
>> Rialto, California 92377 USA
>> http://www.falcata-galia.com
>> http://www.tariffrecords.com
>> http://members.tripod.com/musicsource7/index.htm
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Mark Roberts [mailto:mark@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
>> Sent: Sunday, April 06, 2003 12:27 AM
>> To: Microsound
>> Subject: Re: [microsound] war
>> Falcata-Galia and Tariff Records wrote:
>>>>> Unfortunately, it has very
>>>>> little to do with Christ's teachings in any sort of way. They
>>>>> indeed, bad Christians.
>>>> Because someone supports or doesn't support
>>>> doesn't mean anything in terms of intelligence.
>> That's true, especially when the war is being waged by a zealot.
>> So-called
>> leaders of the 'free-world', meet thy president:
>> http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/2921345.stm
>> M
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