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AW: [microsound] war

Ok Ok ! Now it is really like getting far :-) When the German people try
to make something funky they make something funky. As when American or
Australian people try to make something "mechanical" - I will call it
like this to simplify - they make it, look for instance to the work of
Cray, Kero etc. Funky, groovy, loungie, ambient is not a characteristic
of a nation but of personalities.=20
About the way people move. I am not German but I do live in Germany and
I this weekend at Time Warp, the techno gathering here and let me tell
you something: people moved and danced exactly like they would in a rave
in London, Lisbon or - surprise surprise - NY! Not as well as the latin
Americans - from Colombia, Venuzuela or even Miami - but still they

I am just trying to say with this that to make such a ground difference
- Americans versus Europeans (and I might add that Europeans are as
diversified if not more that Americans) - based solely on one's place of
birth or growing environment is in my opinion pointless since identity
is much more than that. One's identity can't be defined by one's place
of birth or growing environment.Lots of factors have to be added and
that is why usually stereotypes - even if based in real life characters
- are better used on comedy shows. Or do you think that there is really
someone that goes to a pet store in London to complain that his parrot
his "an ex parrot", like in the Monthy Python series ?

-----Urspr=FCngliche Nachricht-----
Von: spw [mailto:stevepwats@xxxxxxxxxxx]=20
Gesendet: Montag, 7. April 2003 16:15
An: microsound
Betreff: Re: [microsound] war

Ah c'mon I'm sure I'm not the only one Europeans just have different
language the way=20
they speak and move like with Germans.
Since this is a music list haven't you notice when German people try too
make funky American
influenced music it sounds weird.

on 4/7/03 9:30 AM, Michael Nisi at _@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

> wtf?
> At 07:36 07.04.2003 -0500, you wrote:
>> On the subject of women, I don't find a lot of European women
>> they have that look
>> and body language to them which is hard to explain.
> MN www.michaelnisi.com
> _@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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