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Re: [microsound] RE: [personal] Re: [microsound] war

Mike Ink and his diverse aliases (Love Inc etc.) is certainly very
funky. Egoexpress used to be very funky (check their CD "telefunken"). 
I'd love to include dico b's outlet, but ... ooops, Austrians.  

More names?


mark wrote:
> If you want funky german music try Air liquide or some of their
> (many many) side projects - they can be very hit and miss and
> have covered a lot of ground (from Tangerine dream like prog to
> electronic dub) but they certainly know about dancing when they
> are in the mood. Hardfloor know all about funkiness too (also when
> they are in the mood it must be said)
> cheers
> mark
> -----Original Message-----
> From: spw [mailto:stevepwats@xxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: 07 April 2003 17:30
> To: microsound
> Subject: [personal] Re: [microsound] war
> I'm talking about like the funky house type stuff on labels like
> Ladomat, of course there is quality electronic music coming out of
> Germany.
> on 4/7/03 12:19 PM, graham miller at grahammiller@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> > god... of course germans are funky... how could anyone make a
> > generalization like that? so silly. and i can think of some pretty
> > unfunky americans... like say... hmmmm... all of them:) the land of
> > line dancing and 'new country'... nuff said. makes kim cascone look
> > like james brown:)
> >
> > g.
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