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experimental hiphop/electropop this thursday in LA

this thursday
april 10
10 pm
california institute of the arts
valencia, ca 
[25 miles north of hollywood; see directions below]
tatum lounge

"on the decriminalization of the grid
or [how i stopped making beats at art school]"

an evening of experimental

performances by:
edit [planet mu records]
emptyhead[kevin farrell & noah sasso]
raja das
tehn [brian crabtree] w/ devin mcnulty & kevin farrell
gelnyk [ezra buchla, corey fogel, & brian crabtree]
brad breeck + ryan taber
free show
free beer and food
this even sponsored in part by the calarts composition
new media program and student council.

from LA:
N on the 5
Exit at McBean [5 miles before Magic Mountain]
Turn right onto mcbean [off the exit ramp]
CALarts is the first Right
park anywhere

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