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RE: [personal] [microsound] Re: looking for re-recording/restoration for archival info

Have you heard Justin Bennets stuff (particularly mosques of tangiers) 
 and also Invisible cities on Fallt (I assume it was mentioned here when

it came out - I;ve been off list for a while)? 



-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Kugel [mailto:guitardo@xxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: 08 April 2003 16:35
To: microsound
Subject: [personal] [microsound] Re: looking for
re-recording/restoration for archival info

I know someone in the DC area  who just told me he is using "Diamond
Cut" software, if that helps. I have used Ray Gun, imo not as good as
cool edit 96 was...for tape hiss that is http://www.diamondcut.com/ I
would think a job with either National Historical archives or State

thanks for all the help with the water recording ideas!!
I just saw Wim Wenders' "Lisbon Story" (what a city) - sort of features
a sound design person for films
- really wonderful, and made me realize I should get going with the
field recordings again

lim wrote:

> hi...
> i.m wondering if anyone could help me out...
> i.m very interested in learning more about re-recording and 
> restoration for archival purposes...particularly how one might get 
> into this field, and what they could or should do as far as education 
> goes and things like that.  just any relevant info would be much 
> appreciated.
> ...or if anyone might point me in the right direction, i thought i.d 
> ask on here as google really isn.t assisting me much...maybe i just 
> don.t know what to search for really...
> thanks a bunch.
> peace.
> lim;.
> www.geocities.com/lim_web
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