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slow sound system downloads and realaudio

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the slow sound system is pleased to announce three new arrivals for spring =
2003. first, get yr download on for some remixes/reconstructions we did for=


second, we have a new RealAudio mix online. go here to listen:


here's the tracklisting:

Icebergs recorded by F. Deroussen (Vox Terrae) Alan Presencer - B=F6n Po Ch=
ant (Tibetan voice, bowls & gong) (Saydisc) Peter Cusack & Max Eastley - Ca=
st (Paradigm) Otomo Yoshihide - Modulation #2 (Tzadik) Phil Niblock -  Guit=
ar too, for four (Moikai) Rachel=92s - With More Air Than Words (Quartersti=
ck) Biosphere - Ancient Campfire (Touch) Biosphere - Chuckhung (Touch) Psyc=
hick Warriors ov Gaia - Truth True Revelation (Kk) Voice of the African Nat=
ional Congress & the People=92s Army Umkhonto We Sizwe - Radio Freedom dial=
ogue (Rounder) Tetsu Inoue - Chill In, Chill Out (Fax) Tide going out recor=
ded by F. Deroussen (Vox Terrae) Deep Listening Band - Suiren (New Albion) =
Vietnamese Celebration Gongs recorded by Patrick Kersal=E9 (Playasound) .m =
u r m e r - meurm (Bake)=20

mixed and processed by James.                =20
all tracks (c) the artists.

third, check out our debut cd. it's a reconstruction of a number of artists=
 on the grain of sound label. more details and ordering information here:


the slow sound system plays midRange at The Foundry on may 16. bring earplu=

our next full session and radio broadcast is on 18 May, with .m u r m e r (=
s'agita, staaplaat) playing live, thorsten sideb0ard (not clickable, node) =
on the decks, plus Resonance FM radio and webcast. more details to follow.

happy listening!


slow sound system

Lie down and be counted

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