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Escape to Poetry Mix!!!
Saloote Everybody les people around the world...How are you?
Avec une cr=E9ation sur la po=E9sie "Escape To Poetry"
Voici donc la playlist of 06/04/03..."Escape to Poetry"!!!
Intro:Tigersushi Sound System(In the beginning)
1-Koura:Osu 5(Autoprod)
-Souce sonore:Osu Kannon,Nayoga,Japan
2-The Tape Beatles:XT92007(Public Works)
3-Mou,Lips:Letter(From Home)(List rec)
-Album "Peanuts and Shells Geometria"...un morceau incroyablement=
intimiste avec un son fabuleux...voir une de Mou,Lips =E9crire sur une
feuille en Live est d'une rare beaut=E9!!!
4-Christian Fennesz:Caecilia(Mego)
-Album "Endless Summer"...peut-on faire mieux???Album historique!=
5-Scanner:Thulium Hymn(Bip-hop,La baleine)
-Compil "Bip-hop g=E9n=E9ration V.6"...No comment!!!
6-Jeth Rollins Odom:Text Etude "Labial"(Sonority records)
-Album "The Absence of theory"
7-William Basinski:02(Raster Noton)
-Album "Melancholia"
+Bonus du bonheur:
7.1-Ennio Morricone:La Donna Invisible(Dagored,Import Italia)
8-Corker/Conboy:Akka(Vertical Form)
-Album "In light of that learnt later"
9-Mr Projectile:Absorption(benbecula,La baleine)
-Compil "Music Volume1&2"
10-Seefeel:Time to Find me,AFX Fast mix(Warp)
-Compil "26 Mixes for Cash"
11-Yoshihiro Hanno:Square(Progressive Form)
-Album "9modules +"
appyness all and "see the sun..."
Radio B=E9ton 93.6/electrons libres
90 avenue Maginot
37100 Tours