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Re: [microsound] from the new william gibson novel:
i know what you mean about the future stuff. although, in many ways, this=
in much more futuristic and relevant than the original trilogy ever was. =
as sci-fi, but definitely more futuristic and possibly better, if that ma=
sense. i mean, his writing has matured - it's better. the dilogue is bett=
it's certainly more poetic. it's quite brilliant so far, actually. i don=
think it was written that long ago, maybe last year. and i think he wrote=
fairly quickly too, which really works.
check it out. don't want to spoil anything.
Patrick Norris wrote:
> >From: graham <grahammiller@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> >Reply-To: microsound <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> >To: Microsound <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> >Subject: [microsound] from the new william gibson novel:
> >