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illogik next net liveset

This week we have 2 audio liveset :

 >>>April 16th 2003 - h 12:00 [GMT+1, Italy Time Basis]

         Pulsar live set


         audio mp3 stream, use winamp http://classic.winamp.com/download/ 
for windows
         or VLC media player http://www.videolan.org/vlc/index.html for all os

 >>>>April 18th 2003 - h 18:00 [GMT+1, Italy Time Basis]

         Pulsar, Mk05, Seoul, Palin Drone, Lemonhate 1 hour condensed live set

         DI-FUSION @ University of Colorado - USA

         audio/video stream: 
         use Real Player http://www.real.com/ (search for the free one)

illogik love animals http://www.illogik.com/testaAgnello.zip :-)


illogik.com     _platform for extraordinary music
protofunk.com   _ funky prototype for new media

p.o. box # 136 chieri 10023, torino  italy
reality is just a point of view (philip dick)