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RE: [microsound] 'In The East - New Music Territories in Europe'

i was lucky enough to meet susanna in person :)
i thought she's trying to interpret the current state of music and software
scene from a political point of view, or something like that. am still to
read the book tho'

// george

-----Original Message-----
From: Kim Cascone [mailto:kim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Monday, April 21, 2003 3:24 PM
To: microsound_list
Subject: [microsound] 'In The East - New Music Territories in Europe'

I recently performed in Zagreb and met a woman who co-wrote a really
interesting book on the music scene in eastern Europe...it's titled: 'In The
East - New Music Territories in Europe' by Christian Scheib and Susanna
Niedermayer...you can get more info here:
I recommend it highly...the book is in both German and English and comes
with a CD...
check it out

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