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Re: [microsound] sound art gallery idea

Well let's see.  I've been tryin to get something like this going on my
site.  It's pretty freeform.  Music, writing,  digital art and web-art
being the main focuses.  Since this is kinda OT why don't people who want
to do this put up their ideas in the noiseusse forum.
www.noiseusse.org/forum.php  I can code just about anything web-related
and it sounds like there is at least one other person who is willing to
code so we can pool our resources for those with ideas but no nerd-skills.

I can donate about 50-80 megabytes of space  I realize that isn't much,
but it's a start.


Richard Linville wrote:
> I might be able to help with a few other things but I don't code html
> however I have a few ideas that I've always wanted to try on the web.
> Sounds like a fun project...PoM:A
>>>> Tionlee@xxxxxxx 05/02/03 07:50 AM >>>
> In a message dated 5/2/2003 1:03:58 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
> macrosound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:
>> Sounds great.  I've got the webspace.  Anyone else interested?
> Nothing
>> like a little cross-media to put a kick in your step.
> im a graphic arts major, and ill help with the art if some will do the
> html
> -t
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