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slow sound system, may 18

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a walk on the mild side

'quality avant chillage' BBCi 

The slow sound system explores the edge of chillout space: digitals, scapes, collage and ethnographic forgery. Our irregular slow club is the space to rethink ambience, soundscaping and foreground / background listening, and the place to hear some of the best new music in these fields. 

Patrick McGinley aka .m u r m e r played a terrific dj set of deep drones and sonic detritus for us last winter. Fresh from playing out on the continent, he's promised us a full live performance this time. Patrick has records out on the S'Agita and Staalplaat labels: he also presents the Framework show on Resonance FM. As .m u r m e r, he uses exclusively acoustic field recordings as sole sound source: 'I am particularly interested in the sounds in our environment which seem completely alien or unnatural out of context (a squeaking escalator, or crackling charcoal), but which so easily pass through our ears unnoticed.' 

Guest dj Thorsten Sideb0ard takes us through his extensive record vaults once again. Expect a blend of digital fuzzed out shoegaze, electro soundscapes and indietronica, fusing the soaring elements and emotion of post-rock with the technique and aesthetic of generative computer music. Thorsten ran the seminal electronica club Node for two years in San Francisco: now based in London, he now juggles the mp3 label 8bitrecs.com with two regular labels, Highpoint Lowlife and tsk! tsk!. He also runs the Not Clickable club with The Legendary Jesse Belle. 

Flash workouts, digital stills and slide show manipulations come courtesy of Tom Keene, Jay Ropinsky, the Foundry's CCTV operator and slow sound system regulars. 

The show will be simulcast on Resonance 104.4FM from 3-5pm GMT. Set your receivers, or go to www.resonancefm.com for live streaming audio. 

Full details below. 



.m u r m e r (s'agita, staalplaat, framework) : live 
thorsten sideb0ard (8bitrecs, highpointlowlife, sonomu, not clickable) : dj 

iMax (53 degrees, grain of sound) : dj 
albert (scatsta sound system, 8bitrecs) : dj 
datamath (ladytron) : dj 


tom keene (eponymous) : digital shorts 
jay ropinsky (klik klak / hardman, berlin) : latest flash manoeuvres 
iMax (53 degrees) : slideshow and photography 

the foundry : live CCTV and spy camera 



18 may, 3 - later, free. 
the foundry, 84-86 great eastern st, london ec2. 
corner of great eastern st and old st. 
nearest tube: old st. 



Dual, live plus new RealAudio content: go to www.slow-sound.net/sound%20and%20vision.html. 

Grain of Sound artists reimagined by iMax, out now: go to www.grainofsound.com. 



the foundry: 0207 739 6900 

slow sound system: 07977 190 141 

To get off, reply with 'unsubscribe' in the subject line. 



www.phonography.org : field recordings online community 
www.8bitrecs.com : 8 bit records microsite and mp3 library 
www.highpointlowlife.com : highpointlowlife microsite: DoF lp out now 
www.sonomu.net : sound noise music 
www.foundry.tv : foundry interactive anti-microsoft hub 
www.resonancefm.com : 'the best radio station in the world' - the village voice 
www.jayropinksy.de : slow sound system microvisuals 
www.grainofsound.com : grain of sound artists reimagined by iMax, out now! 



We're co-curating the 24hr placard headphones festival on july 19, with slub, idoia, sonomu, flow and others. full details and lineup to follow. check here for more: http://placard.slab.org

We're back on July 20 with Slub (fallt, fals.ch) live, The Legendary Jesse Belle (big chill, raya, not clickable) on the decks and others tbc. Watch this space ... 


Lie down and be counted

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